Screening and assessment tools
In 2021 the Victorian State Government engaged Turning Point to facilitate alignment of the standard adult alcohol and drug screening and assessment tools developed in 2013, to the family violence MARAM (Multi Agency Risk Assessment & Management) Framework. As with past projects sector consultation informed the tools, through a sector working group and a series of online workshops.
For more information visit the intake and assessment page of the Vic Health website.
Training and documentation
An interactive online orientation to the tools has been developed to provide guidance in how the modules can be used in clinical settings.
Downloads: tools and guides
Clinician Guide to the Victorian AOD Intake and Assessment Tools (PDF, 1MB)
Victorian AOD comprehensive assessment form - fillable version (PDF, 373KB)
Victorian AOD intake tool - fillable version (PDF, 203KB)
Victorian AOD self-completion form - fillable version (PDF, 1MB)
Victorian AOD intake tool - Turning Point audit (PDF, 332KB)
Downloads: optional modules
Optional Module 1: Physical Examination (PDF, 63KB)
Optional Module 2: ABI Referral Tool for Neuropsychology Assessment (PDF, 62KB)
Optional Module 3: Mental Health (PDF, 110KB)
Optional Module 4: Psycheck (PDF, 85KB)
Optional Module 5: Quality of Life (PDF, 88KB)
Optional Module 6: Gambling (PDF, 64KB)
Optional Module 7: Goals (PDF, 62KB)
Optional Module 8: Assessment of Recovery Capital (PDF, 69KB)
Optional Module 9: Strengths (PDF, 62KB)
Optional Module 11: Impact of AOD use on family member (PDF, 110KB)
The following forensic module is provided by ASCO. This module is designed to assist assessment providers to obtain a comprehensive history of a client’s contact with the criminal justice system.