Now available: AODstats Bulletin #9

18 Mar 2025

New data from AODstats has identified a concerning increase in serious road injuries involving vehicle crashes during High Alcohol Hours* in Victoria.


AODstats Bulletin 9

The latest AODstats data set covering serious road injuries has just been released, with Bulletin #9 outlining the key findings.

Serious road injuries involving vehicle crashes during High Alcohol Hours* have continued to cause significant harms in Victoria.

In the 2021–22 financial year, there was a concerning 10% increase in serious injuries from vehicle crashes during high alcohol hours compared with the previous financial year. The same period also saw an increase in serious injuries from vehicle crashes among those aged 40 to 65+ years.

In both financial years, young people aged 22 to 29 years were more likely to have serious injuries from vehicle crashes during high alcohol hours than any other age group.

Age breakdown graph

Graph caption: Number of Serious Road Injuries involving vehicle crashes during High Alcohol Hours* in Victoria.

Thanks to the hard work of our coders in the National Addiction and Mental Health Surveillance Unit (NAMHSU), AODstats provides information on the harms related to alcohol, pharmaceutical drug use and illicit drug use in Victoria.

With the ability to filter the data by state, metro/regional or local government areas, Victorian policy planners, drug service providers and health professionals can access this important statistical and epidemiological resource to inform their planning to reduce the harms caused by alcohol and other drugs.

*Apart from fatal crashes, alcohol involvement is not directly measured in most road accidents. Therefore, a surrogate measure that identifies high alcohol hours was used. See the Bulletin for a detailed explanation and a list of high alcohol hours in metro and regional areas.

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