Turning Point, in partnership with the Monash Addiction Research Centre, works to protect and promote the health and human rights of people living with addiction and their families, by conducting policy and practice relevant research, developing evidence-based policy, influencing decision-makers, and forming strategic partnerships.
If you have any questions about the organisations’ policy work, please contact Jonathan Meddings, Policy and Engagement Manager: [email protected]
Alcohol and other drugs
- Alcohol Change Vic is a collaboration of organisations concerned about alcohol-related harms and promotes evidence-based policy to protect Victorian individuals, families and communities from alcohol-related harms. Turning Point is a member organisation and contributes to the group’s policy development.
- Submission to the Australian Parliament's Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport's Inquiry Into the Health Impacts of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Australia (October 2024)
- Hearing transcript from the Victorian Parliament’s Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s Inquiry into the Victorian Auditor General’s Reports on Regulating Gambling and Liquor; and Reducing the Harm Caused by Gambling (July 2023)
- Submission to the Victorian Parliament’s Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s Inquiry into the Victorian Auditor General’s Reports on Regulating Gambling and Liquor; and Reducing the Harm Caused by Gambling (July 2023)
- Hearing transcript from the Australian Parliament’s Joint Committee on Law Enforcement’s Inquiry into the Challenges and Opportunities for Law Enforcement in Addressing Australia's Illicit Drug Problem (April 2023)
- Submission to the Australian Parliament's Joint Committee on Law Enforcement’s Inquiry into the Challenges and Opportunities for Law Enforcement in Addressing Australia's Illicit Drug Problem (January 2023)
- Submission to the Australian Government’s Department of Health’s Public Consultation for the Post-Market Review of Opiate Dependence Treatment Program Medicines Discussion Paper (October 2021)
- Hearing transcript from the Victorian Parliament’s Legal and Social Issues Committee’s Inquiry into Cannabis Use in Victoria (April 2021)
- Submission to the Victorian Parliament’s Legal and Social Issues Committee’s Inquiry into Cannabis Use in Victoria (August 2020)
- Submission on the National Alcohol Strategy 2018-2026 (February 2018)
- Submission to the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety’s Consultation on Gaming Machine Monitoring Arrangements (May 2024)
- Submission to the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety’s Consultation on Landmark Reforms to Reduce Gambling Related Harm and Money Laundering (September 2023)
- Hearing transcript from the Victorian Parliament’s Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s Inquiry into the Victorian Auditor General’s Reports on Regulating Gambling and Liquor; and Reducing the Harm Caused by Gambling (July 2023)
- Submission to the Victorian Parliament’s Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s Inquiry into the Victorian Auditor General’s Reports on Regulating Gambling and Liquor; and Reducing the Harm Caused by Gambling (July 2023)
- Hearing transcript from the Australian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs’ Inquiry into Online Gambling and its Impact on those Experiencing Gambling Harm (March 2023)
- Submission to the Australian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs’ Inquiry into Online Gambling and its Impact on those Experiencing Gambling Harm (November 2022)
- Submission to the Royal Commission into the Casino Operator and Licence (May 2021)
Key data and research
- AODstats provides information on the harms related to alcohol, illicit and pharmaceutical drug use in Victoria. This information provides a convenient statistical and epidemiological resource for policymakers, drug service providers, health professionals and other key stakeholders.
- Understanding the cost of addiction in Australia (November 2022)
Stigma and mental health
- Rethink Addiction is a national anti-stigma campaign showcasing real stories of addiction. Through a strengths-based narrative it inspires hope and challenges negative stereotypes that limit help-seeking. Following the success of the ground-breaking SBS documentary Addicted Australia, Turning Point launched Rethink Addiction in 2020, and the campaign has since grown to include over 60 partner organisations.
- Submission on the National Mental Health Commission’s National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy (January 2023)
- Submission on Victoria’s Suicide Prevention and Response Strategy (August 2022)
- Hearing transcript from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (June 2020)
- Submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (July 2019)

The crisis is already here
Australia is in a crisis when it comes to addiction with one in five people meeting the criteria for an alcohol, drug or gambling disorder during their lifetime.

Addiction doesn't discriminate
Addiction affects people from all walks of life, we all know someone who has been touched by addiction.

Making an impact
Help change how society sees and responds to addiction, so that it no longer destroys families, devastates lives and steals people’s dignity.