
Turning Point aims to provide a website that is accessible for all users and is actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of our website.

Our website aims to meet the Australian Government’s web accessibility requirements (the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 level AA) as defined in the Victorian government's digital standards, and the Australian government's Digital Service Standard and Accessibility and inclusivity content guide.

It has been built using compliant code and displays correctly in all current browsers.

Inaccessible PDF download files are being replaced with MS Word docs that have passed accessibility tests.

Informative images include alt text descriptions, while decorative images have empty alt tags.

Our videos hosted in YouTube do not have professional transcripts. They do contain YouTube's automatically generated transcripts, but we recognise that these are of variable quality.

If you require content in an alternate format please contact us.