As a national treatment, research and education centre, Turning Point provides leadership in the alcohol and other drug, gambling and mental health sectors.

Our research is shaped by clinical practice, and vice versa. This means that instead of gathering dust, our papers have real-world impact.

By participating, you'll be helping to transform the lives of people affected by alcohol, drug or gambling harms.

Feel free to share these opportunities with your friends, family and colleagues.

To keep up to date with future opportunities, as well as our findings from past projects, register for our ‘Engage for Change’ newsletter, below.

Do you drink alcohol at least several days per week and want to cut down or quit?

Help us trial a new ‘brain-training’ app to reduce alcohol use. 

Participation involves:

  1. Answering surveys about alcohol use, craving, related problems, and quality of life
  2. Completing attention tests on your phone 
  3. Using the brain-training task for just a few minutes per week for 4 weeks. 

Who is eligible: People aged 18+ years who wish to reduce their alcohol use 

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Are you struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and your use of alcohol?

Join our clinical trial of a novel treatment for PTSD and alcohol use problems.

Participation involves an assisted psychotherapy program. The study is randomised and placebo-controlled. The study is entirely confidential and voluntary, and participants will be reimbursed for their time.

Who may be eligible: 

  • adults 18+ who have been diagnosed with PTSD,
  • who are having difficulties cutting down or controlling their drinking, and
  • who are willing to participate in a randomised controlled trial and attend on-site treatment sessions in either Sydney or Melbourne.

If you are interested in participating, click below to learn more or email us at: [email protected]

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Are you struggling with your cannabis use or want to cut back?

Help us find better ways to help people who want to reduce or stop their cannabis use.

Participation involves visiting a study site (either in Victoria or NSW) every three weeks over a 12-week period. Each visit will take about 1 hour and will involve:

  • A medical assessment with a study doctor
  • Receiving a 3-week supply of the study medication
  • Providing a urine sample
  • Completing assessments and questionnaires with a researcher.

You will also be invited to partake in 4 sessions of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) during the trial (in-person or via telehealth).

Participants will receive reimbursement in the form of supermarket gift vouchers.

Who is eligible: People aged 18-65 who want treatment to reduce or stop their cannabis use

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Can you help us understand alcohol use disorder?

Help researchers better understand the experiences of people who live with alcohol use disorder. 

The Department of Drug Health Services at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital is conducting a survey on alcohol use disorder in the Australian community. The survey will ask for your age and gender, as well as your experiences of alcohol use, treatment history, cognitive factors, and attitudes toward treatment.

Participation is voluntary and anonymous, and you will be reimbursed for your time.

Who is eligible: People living in Australia aged 18+ years who drink more than 10 standard drinks a week or more than 4 standard drinks on any day. 

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Are you a nurse or midwife willing to share your insights on drinking cultures within your professional community?

Help researchers understand the nature, meaning and purposes of drinking alcohol together with others your occupation group. 

Researchers from La Trobe University and Monash University are conducting an online survey to explore the unique dynamics of drinking cultures among nurses. Drinking together (e.g. after work or at work events) can be an important part of nurses’ and midwives’ occupational activities, offering opportunities to socialise, relax, debrief or network. 

This research is funded by the Australian Research Council and the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) and has received ethics approval [HEC24170]. 

For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Dr Nyssa Ferguson

[email protected]

Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. You will not be identified. 

Who is eligible: People aged 18+ years who are employed as a nurse or midwife and live in Victoria.

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Are you seeking access to psychedelics, ketamine or MDMA for a mental health condition?

Are you seeking access to psychedelics, ketamine or MDMA for a mental health condition?

Help us understand how accessible these drugs are and any benefits or harms you have experienced from their use.

Participation involves:

  • An initial 20- to 30-minute online survey.
  • An option to participate in 20-minute follow-up surveys at 6, 12, and 18 months.

Eligible participants will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw at baseline, 6-, 12-, and 18-month time points.

This study does not involve any treatment or site visits.

Who is eligible: Australian residents aged 18+ years who are seeking access to psychedelics, ketamine or MDMA for mental health conditions.

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