Building Evidence
We explore, examine and evaluate addiction and related harms to generate solutions that transform policy, practice and community attitudes.
Policy and Engagement
Turning Point and the Monash Addiction Research Centre work to protect and promote the health and human rights of people living with addiction and their families — by conducting policy and practice relevant research, developing evidence-based policy, influencing decision-makers, and forming strategic partnerships.
Beyond the Emergency
Our world first study – Beyond the Emergency – with Monash University and in partnership with ambulance services Australia wide, investigated the scale and nature of male mental health presentations to ambulance services.

Clinical and Social Research Team
Our Clinical and Social Research (CSR) program aims to address addiction issues across the spectrum of harm, establishing effective methods for supporting client journeys from initial help-seeking through to specialist treatment and recovery.

National Addiction and Mental Health Surveillance Unit (NAMHSU)
The NAMHSU team aims to reduce the impact of addiction, self-harm and mental ill health through the provision of surveillance data that is used to inform policy and interventions.
Our Research Teams
We are a dynamic, passionate, multi-disciplinary team of world-class researchers that work across psychology, social work, public health and other related fields to drive evidence-based translational research that transforms policy and practice.