Information and Advice for Clinicians
Access resources and guidelines and find out how to refer to Turning Point for support.

Help for Clients and Families
If you are worried about yourself, a family member or a friend who is struggling with addiction then this is the place to start.

About Addiction
Many people don’t understand how addiction works, why people can become addicted and what options are available for treatment. This can cause stigma and delays in help seeking, making the problem worse.
The road to recovery
Often the road is long, but there is hope and recovery is possible. We spoke to Patrick about his lifelong struggle with addiction, and how his treatment with Turning Point helped him get on track.
Looking for a specific Turning Point service?
Intake service and referrals
Turning Point Eastern Treatment (TPETS) Intake Service
Comprehensive assessment for services including detox, medical support and counselling.
Referral forms
Referrals can be sent to Turning Point via fax (03) 8413 8499.
Inpatient detox and short stay rehabilitation
1 East and Wellington House
7-28 day residential detox and short-stay rehabilitation. Located at Eastern Health's Box Hill Hospital Campus.
Specialist addiction clinics
Specialist pharmacotherapy service
Treatment for people who are dependent on prescribed or illicit opioids. Treatment options include methadone, Suboxone, Buvidal and Sublocade.
Addiction medicine clinic
Specialist addiction clinic for people requiring assessment, diagnostic clarification and management planning for AOD use or other addictive behaviours (e.g. gambling).
Addiction neuropsychology service
Neuropsychological assessment and secondary consultation for people with AOD issues and suspected cognitive impairment.
Counselling, psychotherapy and care coordination
Alcohol and other drug (AOD) counselling
Counselling support for people to help address their alcohol and drug concerns.
Ready 2 Change (R2C)
Structured telephone counselling, for people with alcohol and other drug (AOD) use who are unable to access face-to-face support.
Aboriginal alcohol and other drug (AOD) support
Outreach and treatment for people who identify as Aboriginal and who are seeking support for their alcohol and other drug use.
Counselling, care and recovery coordination
Treatment and care coordination for people with alcohol and drug concerns requiring support from health and support services.
Alcohol and other drug (AOD) pathways
Support with accessing AOD services for people with complex needs, and who have had difficulties engaging with AOD services previously.
Group programs
SMART Recovery
Cognitive behaviour therapy and motivational interviewing based group program to help people manage their alcohol and drug use.
Family information sessions
Monthly sessions to provide information and support to family, friends and carers of people affected by addiction.
The KickStart program is an eight-week therapeutic group specifically for men who are involved in the justice system where a link has been identified between offending behaviour and substance use.
Telephone and online services
Directline is a free 24/7 telephone service, offering on-the-spot counselling and referral to specialist treatment services for people affected by addiction.
Counselling Online
Counselling Online is a free, confidential service that operates 24/7 to provide online support and referral for anyone affected by alcohol and other drugs.
Gambling Help Online
Gambling Help Online is a free, confidential service that operates 24/7 to provide online support and referral for anyone affected by gambling.
Clinician advice and mentorship
Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS)
Addiction specialist telephone consultancy service available 24/7 and free of charge to clinicians.
Plan your visit to Turning Point
Planning on visiting Turning Point? Find contact information, directions and accessibility for all of our sites.
You must have an appointment to visit all of our sites.
Your rights
Turning Point is committed to treating you with dignity, respect, privacy and confidentiality protections you are entitled to.