Now available: A practical guide to writing AOD case notes

20 Feb 2025

The second edition of “Take Note!” has just been released! This practical guide provides essential insights into the process of case note writing, making it more accessible and manageable for clinicians, managers and services across the alcohol and other drugs sector.

writing case notes

Accurate and timely record-keeping is crucial for AOD health professionals to ensure quality and continuity of care.

The practice protects clients, practitioners and organisations by maintaining clear and comprehensive documentation.

However, AOD healthcare professionals often face challenges when writing case notes due to disparate electronic record systems, increased information-sharing requirements and the challenges of navigating a highly regulated environment.

It can also be difficult to balance client confidentiality and privacy with the need to share information.

Using “Take Note!” to write effective case notes

“Take Note!” offers practical solutions to integrate effective record-keeping into daily practice and provides guidance on managing these issues.

It also provides expert advice to help practitioners navigate the complexities of legal and ethical considerations in case note writing and offers suggestions for AOD service providers to plan and use case notes more effectively and systematically.

This latest edition is designed to further clarify the process of case note writing and includes updates in relation to the Victorian Family Violence Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM Framework).

The case note pyramid

The “Take Note!” guide to writing case notes is informed by three levels of the case note pyramid.

The case note pyramid

  • Level 1. Legal framework: Understanding the legal implications of case notes is critical. This level of the case note pyramid provides a solid foundation for sound clinical practice, ensuring both clinicians and clients are protected.
  • Level 2. Basic principles: The second level includes the fundamental principles of good case note writing, including how to use generic templates. These principles help enhance the quality and legal protection of your documentation.
  • Level 3. Models and templates: The final level of the pyramid includes models and templates that can be used to standardise and streamline the case note writing process. These tools help practitioners contextualise information and ensure important details are easily accessible.

Access the guide here to ensure your case note documentation meets quality and compliance standards.

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