Turning Point presents at a parliamentary hearing on reducing alcohol and gambling harms
Changing the conversation about addiction.
This month Turning Point’s Executive Clinical Director Professor Dan Lubman AM, and Manager of Telephone and Online Services Rick Loos, welcomed the opportunity to present at the Victorian Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s ‘Inquiry into the Victorian Auditor-General’s reports no. 99: Follow up of Regulating Gambling and Liquor (2019) and no. 213: Reducing the Harm Caused by Gambling (2021)’.
During the public hearing, they discussed the importance of adopting a public health approach to gambling harms, as well as the need to break down stigma and service system silos to improve help-seeking and treatment retention, and provide integrated treatment, care, and support for people experiencing gambling harms.
Read the full submission and learn more about Turning Point’s policy work.