Talking Point: The power of data: Prevalence and patterns of substance use in Queensland using novel data collection on alcohol, opioids and trauma, presented by Professor Cate Cameron on 23rd March 2022


Using novel approaches to data collection and the power of data linkage to fill gaps in understanding, this Webinar will highlight two key projects from Professor Cameron’s substance use research: Alcohol use in Emergency Department patients and Community Opioid dispensing following injury.  Substance use is often a risk factor for injury and trauma and can also develop into a harmful consequence following trauma.  Utilising both novel approaches and routinely collected linked health data enables better understanding of substance use and outcome trajectories for people who experience significant injury and trauma.

About the presenter

Professor Cate Cameron is a Principal Research Fellow at the Jamieson Trauma Institute, Metro North Health in Brisbane, and an Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology. She has 30 years of clinical and research experience, with a Social Work and Public Health background and a PhD in Epidemiology.  Cate has published over 100 research papers in high-quality peer reviewed journals and was a recipient of a National Health & Medical Research Council Career Fellowship.  Cate is internationally known for her research both in the prevention and rehabilitation sectors of injury and trauma.