Pathways out of addiction: The role of social groups and identity


This seminar was held on 16 November 2017.

How do people move out of addiction and into recovery? This is a question that continues to challenge treatment providers, researchers, policy makers and community members.

At this seminar you will hear new insights about the role of social groups and identity in recovery from leading Australian and international researchers in the areas of social identity, addiction and recovery. These insights are based on the findings of the 3-year Australian Research Council-funded Social Networks and Recovery (SONAR) study.

This international-first study was conducted by researchers from Turning Point, Monash University, Deakin University, The University of Queensland and Sheffield Hallam University. It involved over 300 people who received therapeutic community treatment at a number of services across eastern Australia.

The study looks at the role of social groups and identity and how asset-based community development domains including mutual aid groups, recreation and sport, volunteering, education and employment and peer recovery community groups.  

Results from the SONAR study were presented for the first-time in this seminar, and topics included:

  • The role of social identity in addiction and recovery
  • Therapeutic community treatment and client outcomes
  • Using social identity mapping in practice.



Prof Dan Lubman, Prof David Best, Prof Catherine Haslam, Assoc Prof Petra Staiger, Dr Genevieve Dingle, Dr Michael Savic, Ramez Bathish, Melinda Beckwith.