Alcohol and other drug statistics and mapping
AODstats maps information on the harms related to alcohol, illicit and pharmaceutical drug use in Victoria. The maps bring together results from alcohol and drug-related primary and secondary data sources available in Victoria.
Data includes:
- ambulance attendances
- hospital admissions
- deaths
- service treatment episodes
- telephone and online counselling services
- serious road injuries
- assault and domestic violence incidents
- needle syringe program and
- liquor licences
Data will typically be presented across a ten-year period (where available) and updated twice per year. Therefore, each six-month period, new indicator data will be added and existing data will be amended where required. These data releases will usually be available on the AODstats website during the second and fourth quarters each year.
Project team
Ms Jessica Killian, Dr Rowan Ogeil, Ms Amaya Munoz, Ms Evelyn Frude, Mr Sam Campbell, and Assoc. Prof. Debbie Scott.
Staff members from Turning Point's NAMHSU team who have assisted with any extraction, coding and analysis of alcohol and drug involvement in indicator data.