Dr Jasmin Grigg
Senior Research Fellow, Clinical and Social Research Team, Turning Point and Monash University
Dr Jasmin Grigg PhD MPH BPsych(Hons) has a research background in mental health, women’s mental health, public health and addictions treatment, with specific interest in clinical research methods and health program evaluation.
Jasmin has managed six large clinical trials to improve addiction and mental health outcomes across patient and community populations, including Turning Point’s current NHMRC-funded nationwide R2C trial for alcohol use disorder.
She is an investigator on a new VicHealth-funded project to prevent harm from alcohol in women attending breast screening services.
Jasmin has led the evaluation of nine state and national public health programs, including 1800 ICE ADVICE for individuals and families affected by methamphetamine use, Nurse & Midwife Support, the VicRoads Telephone Support Service for Drivers, and the Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service. She has also undertaken a recent population-level evaluation of the impact of new drug policy on acute synthetic cannabinoid harms resulting in ambulance attendance.
Jasmin has also undertaken a range of translational work. In 2018, she was commissioned by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to lead the development of the Methamphetamine Treatment Guidelines, a key resource for Victorian health professionals in the clinical management of methamphetamine use disorder. In her role at Turning Point, Jasmin has been involved in a range of projects funded by the DHHS to inform alcohol and drug policy and practice change
In her previous role at the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, she developed training tools for health professionals to improve response to family violence in the community, including ‘When She Talks to You about the Violence: A Toolkit for Health Practitioners in Victoria’ (2014). She also contributed to policy reform to improve the safety of women with severe mental illness, and developed sex-specific algorithms to assist clinical decision-making with the goal of balancing effective psychiatric treatment while minimising the endocrine adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs.
Contact details
You can contact Jasmin at [email protected]
More information
View Jasmin’s Monash University staff profile, or explore her work via Google Scholar.