
Gambling can have major impacts on a person’s life. If gambling is negatively affecting your health, finances or relationships, this is usually a sign that you may need help. The important thing to remember is that you are not alone and support and treatment is available to help you take positive steps towards recovery.

Why does gambling become a problem for some people?

There is no universal reason why gambling affects some people differently to others. We see people from all different backgrounds and walks of life that seek help.

There can be a multiple factors that impact on someone’s chances of developing problems with gambling. Sometimes people find that other issues they are experiencing in their lives are the tipping point and they turn to gambling to escape.

A major life event or stressful situation may have occurred when their gambling started to get out of control.

Signs of a problem

Are you concerned about your gambling or the gambling of someone close to you? There are some signs that you can look for to help you identify if you need support.

Concerned about your gambling?

  • Do you struggle to control gambling impulses?
  • Are you spending more money on gambling than you plan to?
  • Are you spending more time gambling than you plan to?
  • Are you chasing your losses?
  • Do you think about gambling, when doing other things?

If you recognise any of these signs or have concerns it may be time to visit Gambling Help Online.

Concerned about someone else’s gambling?

Have you noticed?

  • Money or household items going missing
  • Money being borrowed regularly
  • Becoming withdrawn from family or friends
  • Changes in personality
  • Unexplained absences or lateness

These are just some of the signs of a gambling problem. For more information and what to do next visit Gambling Help Online.

What can I do next?