Talking PointTalking Point is a regular series of publicly available lectures that aim to inspire, inform and challenge our notions of what we know about addiction and its impact across society. Health and social sector professionals and the general public are all welcome to attend. |
53 items
- 18 July 2018Child aware practice: Where does ‘the village’ end and ‘child protection’ begin?
- 17 July 2018BreakThrough: Ice Education for Families, is a joint initiative between Turning Point, SHARC (Self Help Addiction Resource Centre) and The Bouverie Centre, funded by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services as part of the Ice Action Plan.
- 17 July 2018Dr. Khalsa discusses his clinical research trials evaluating a yoga treatment for insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic stress and anxiety disorders.
- 17 July 2018Ambo-AODstats provides detailed state-wide and local information regarding the harms related to alcohol, illicit and pharmaceutical drugs in Victoria.
- 17 July 2018The presentation provides an overview of the theoretical foundations of contemporary drinking motive research; the Motivational Model of Alcohol Use (Cox and Klinger). It will clarify the relationship between personality factors, alcohol expectancies and drinking motives.
- 17 July 2018Over the past four years Turning Point and the Coroners Court of Victoria have collaborated to develop a better understanding of pharmaceutical drug related harms in Victoria and how these might be reduced.
- 17 July 2018This presentation provides an examination of illicit drug trading conducted via the anonymous, encrypted 'darknet'.
- 17 July 2018Mobile phones allow researchers and health promoters to reach at-risk individuals in unprecedented ways and mobile phone health (mHealth) programs are proliferating. This presentation discusses some of the latest innovations in mobile health promotion with a range of case studies.
- 17 July 2018Jenny shares her findings in the areas of self-medication and the pathologising of women, discusses where women fit into treatment paradigms, and asks if there is a paucity of gender-specific research.
- 17 July 2018Talking Point: On the use of targeted cognitive training in the treatment of substance use disordersSubstance use disorders (SUDs) are typically treated with psychosocial treatments and/or medication. However, there is a third category of interventions to consider: varieties of Cognitive Training (CT).