Connect & Learn: Sensory Modulation within an AOD residential rehabilitation service

9 Jun 2021

This presentation explores Sensory Modulation - a therapeutic intervention that has relevance to the AOD sector, as people with AOD dependence sometimes experience an inability to regulate sensation which can impair behavioural responses.


Sensory Modulation is defined as ‘the capacity to regulate and organise the degree, intensity and nature of response of sensory input in a graded and adaptive manner.’ This allows the individual to achieve and maintain an optimal range of performance and to adapt to challenges in daily life. Research has shown that individuals who have had lived experience of addictions, trauma, and mental health, find it more challenging to regulate sensory needs and stressors. In response to the world around them many residents at Windana’s Therapeutic Community have a history of traumas in relation to their substance use, they require assistance to learn how sensory modulation techniques can aid them to reduce the severity of disruptive and aggressive behaviour.



About the presenters

Ashleigh Plozza, Senior Therapist/Occupational Therapist, Maryknoll Therapeutic Community, Windana. Ashleigh is an Occupational Therapist, with a Masters of Addictive Behaviours working in a not-for-profit residential rehabilitation service. Ashleigh has an interest in how sensory modulation can be used as a therapeutic tool to assist people with substance dependency regulate emotions and behaviours.

Clare Davies, Executive Director of Rehabilitation Services, Windana. Clare has extensive operational, advocacy and management experience across the health and social services sector. She commenced her career at a Therapeutic Community in 2000. She has qualifications in psychology, AOD work, social work and psychodrama.