Connect & Learn: Substance Use & Family Violence

30 Oct 2019

Through an exploration of substance use coercion, this webinar will provide participants with an understanding of how the presence of substances within an intimate relationship may co-exist with behaviours associated with a broader pattern of power and control found within Intimate Partner Violence.

Identifying and Understanding Substance Use Coercion for AOD Clinicians

Through an exploration of substance use coercion, this webinar will provide participants with an understanding of how the presence of substances within an intimate relationship may co-exist with behaviours associated with a broader pattern of power and control found within Intimate Partner Violence.

Coercion is seen as the use of force or manipulation to control and intimidate partner’s thoughts, actions and behaviours through violence, threats, degradation, isolation, and/or surveillance. In the context of intimate partner violence, coercion can involve financial, psychological, physical and other kinds of abuse to undermine and control an intimate partner, including intentionally undermining their partner’s treatment and recovery.

Participants will gain an understanding of how coercive behaviours manifest and may appear within the clinical setting, helping them to identify and also respond and mitigate risks through approaches and frameworks, including MARAM.

For those people who have yet to gain an entry-level understanding of Intimate Partner & Family Violence, including Power and Control, you may wish to watch the replay of a previous webinar on this topic.


Presenter 1: Marije Roos, Family Violence Capability Project Lead, VAADA

Marije has over 20 years’ experience working in the AOD sector in clinical and program management roles as well as research capacities, before landing at VAADA. Marije established her career in the Netherlands and gained experience across Europe and USA before settling in Australia.

Presenter 2: Sue George, Specialist Family Violence Advisor AOD, Odyssey

Susan is social work trained and has worked in the Family Violence sector for over 20 years. She has primarily worked with women and children, providing family violence counselling, case management and family violence group work and training.

Presenter 3: Stephen Herd, Specialist Family Violence Advisor, Turning Point

Stephen is a social worker and has been working in the family violence sector for the last 10 years, predominantly with men in men’s behaviour change programs.