Connect & Learn: The brain disease model of addiction and implications for practice

31 Jul 2019

This Connect & Learn session aims to synthesise and translate new research that has examined a broad range of AOD treatment providers’ views about the brain disease model of addiction (BDMA) and its clinical impact.


This session aims to synthesise and translate new research that has examined a broad range of AOD treatment providers’ views (e.g., case workers, social workers, psychologists, doctors) about the brain disease model of addiction (BDMA) and its clinical impact. Viewers of the webinar will be encouraged to reflect on how discussing the brain in practice may influence clients’ experience of care and understanding of their AOD use.

Watch the presentation


Tony Barnett joined Turning Point in 2018 as a research officer. Working in the clinical research team, his work explores the views of consumers and clinicians about different forms of drug and alcohol treatment, care and recovery across a range of settings. Tony’s PhD research at Monash University has focussed on Australian drug and alcohol treatment providers’ views about the brain disease model of addiction and how neuroscientific models integrate with practice.

Specialising in qualitative and mixed-methods research, Tony’s primary research interests lie at the nexus of psychology, health sociology and neuroethics. Furthermore, his work aims to inform improved health care delivery in drug and alcohol settings along with policy development, both locally and internationally.