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Dr Hall received the award from Turning Point’s Executive Clinical Director Professor Dan Lubman and Program Director, Statewide Services, Denis Hovic this week.
Turning Point’s Executive Clinical Director Professor Dan Lubman and Program Director, Statewide Services, Denis Hovic presented Dr Catchlove with this award this week.

New data from AODstats has identified a concerning increase in serious road injuries involving vehicle crashes during High Alcohol Hours* in Victoria.

This #WorldSleepDay, Dr Rowan Ogeil explains how alcohol, other drugs and even sleeping aids can affect your sleep.

The five weeks each year when Victoria’s alcohol harms are highest have been presented in a new report that draws on unique National Ambulance Surveillance System data.

The second edition of “Take Note!” has just been released! This practical guide provides essential insights into the process of case note writing, making it more accessible and manageable for clinicians, managers and services across the alcohol and other drugs sector.

Help us celebrate the significant role hospitality workers play in our lives and spread the word about the “Hospo drinking cultures” project designed to support their health and wellbeing.

By identifying these people early, the researchers hope that healthcare systems can respond in ways that better support the acute and unmet mental health needs of this patient group.

Turning Point recently held a co-design workshop to identify how ambulance attendance data can best support local governments and organisations seeking to minimise alcohol harms.

A new study from Turning Point and Monash University has used ambulance service data to understand the acute healthcare needs of children in out-of-home care.

The Translational Research Grant will enable researchers to develop a digital tool designed to improve clients’ long-term outcomes after leaving residential withdrawal treatment

Imagine a future where tailored technological treatments can help to minimise harm from addictive behaviours when it matters most